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garlic powder in a jar with a wooden scoop

Garlic Powder from Scratch

This space-saving way to store garlic by turning it into garlic powder will add flavor and ease to your everyday cooking routine.
Prep Time 12 hours
Course condiment, dried produce, spice


  • Dehydrator
  • Knife or Mandoline
  • Mortar and Pestle or Coffee/ Spice Grinder
  • Storage Jar


  • 8-10 Cloves Garlic


  • Fill a container or glass jar 3/4 full with garlic cloves and gently shake to help remove the loose garlic paper.
  • Thinly slice garlic and add it to your dehydrator trays.
  • Allow dehydrator to dry garlic. Some years, mine have taken up to 12 hours to completely dry. The thinner you slice it, the quicker it will dry.
    I like to set our dehydrator outside on our front porch to help the kitchen not smell like garlic for weeks.
  • Garlic that can be easily snapped in half is ready to be ground. Remove dried garlic from trays and grind in a coffee grinder or in a mortar and pestle.
  • Add ground garlic powder to a storage jar.
  • Add a few grains of rice to help the powder from clumping.
Keyword garlic powder, homemade garlic powder