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A milk passion project brought to life! Two problems existed. 1. As Dairy Producers, we are being told that there is an “abundance of milk.” “Slow down Bessy, we don’t need so much milk.” 2. There is a population of children and adults alike that we are aware of, that aren’t able to access fresh, […]

One Gallon at a Time

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one gallon at a time

Soil blocks are a fantastic alternative to traditional seed-starting methods. They’re environmentally friendly, reduce transplant shock, and promote healthier root development. To ensure your seedlings get the best start, it’s crucial to use a high-quality soil block mix. Let me show you my secret recipe for soil-blocking success! Soil Blocking + Seed Starting Over the […]

How to Make the Best Soil Block Mix for your Seedlings

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wool in soil mix

Cinnamon doughnuts are a beloved classic, but what if we told you that you could enjoy their deliciousness without the guilt of frying? Baked cinnamon doughnuts are the answer! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to make these scrumptious treats at home, and we’ll answer some common questions along the way. Get ready […]

How to Make Baked Cinnamon + Sugar Doughnuts

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donuts on a cooling rack


it's hip to be square!