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Mom always says we need to “feed the horse that pulls the plow.” Field meals have been something I just grew up knowing how to do! Ever since I was a kid, we cooked, baked, and fed our farm crew. It was such an innate behavior, that my mom would always say, “just take out […]

Field Meal Recipe Book | A Guide to Cooking for Farmers

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field notes

Smokey, salty hard boiled smoked eggs | simple and so delicious! Spring Time on the Farm When spring rolls around you can feel the sun warming up just in time to melt the blanket of snow and ice that we have been under for the past 5 months. This is the time of year when […]

How make Tasty Smoked Eggs | A Quick Brine Recipe

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peeling eggs

These mouthwatering, buttery layered biscuits are the perfect thing to go with a warm soup, deep dish casserole, or just warm right out of the oven with a little bit of strawberry jam! My Buttery Layered Biscuit You may or may not know that I start all of my recipes from scratch and work from […]

How to Make My Buttery-Layered Biscuits

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buttery biscuits


it's hip to be square!