Making homemade powdered flower food is a simple and effective way to nourish and prolong the life of your fresh flowers. Powdered Flower Food is something you can create with just a few simple household items: sugar, baking soda, and citric acid. We use this recipe for our fresh cut flowers at home and can […]

How to make your own Powdered Flower Food

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flowers cut

As winter’s cold bite settles in, the quest for warmth suddenly becomes a priority. Instead of simply putting up with the cold, bitter, and resentful, why not empower your body to withstand the frigid weather? This winter I’m exploring some effective ways to train my body to withstand the bone-chilling temperatures here in Minnesota by […]

Embracing the Warmth Within | Winter Resilience Training

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winter scene in front of the greenhouse

After we insulated our garage and I finally had some real walls to play with, this little corner is my new favorite spot! A Garage with a Faux Stone Wall With this area being a focal spot for anyone who stops by the house, comes in for a wreath or floral class, I wanted it […]

How to Create a Faux Stone Wall on a Budget

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basket in front of wall


it's hip to be square!