Mom always says we need to “feed the horse that pulls the plow.” Field meals have been something I just grew up knowing how to do! Ever since I was a kid, we cooked, baked, and fed our farm crew. It was such an innate behavior, that my mom would always say, “just take out […]

Field Meal Recipe Book | A Guide to Cooking for Farmers

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field notes

This easy marinated ham recipe is dripping in buttery deliciousness! It so easy you may want to make a double batch to freeze, for later! How to amplify your next Ham Sandwich My aunt would invite just us ladies over for a little delicate picnic at her house in the summertime. I’ll never forget these […]

How to Make Easy Marinated Ham

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marinated ham

This space-saving way to store garlic by turning it into garlic powder will add flavor and ease to your everyday cooking routine. This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy. Bringing in the fresh garden garlic is the best. This means the gardening season has wrapped and we are headed into the […]

How to Make Garlic Powder

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jar of garlic powder


it's hip to be square!