Learn how to extend the life of your fresh flowers with these 10 simple tips! One of the most common things we get asked when we are out with our fresh flower bouquets is, what’s the care for these? “How do I keep these beauties alive?” “How do I make these last as long as […]

How to Extend the Life of your Fresh Flowers

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flower bouquet

Having a backyard rabbit makes a great addition to your garden and your farm! Read this week’s post for the all the beneficial reasons why! Though often debated, we have found success in keeping a rabbit on our cut flower farm. Besides from being arguably one of the most adorable pets you can have, rabbits […]

Outdoor Garden Rabbit Guide | The Benefits of Keeping a Backyard Rabbit

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emily holding Otis

Gardening can be tough. I’m about to make things easier this season by showing you how we make our own carrot seed tape! Gardening with more control Vegetable seed tapes can be commercially purchased. But we have found our own way to make this time-saving gardening hack! Tiny seeds like spinach, carrots, onions and radishes […]

How to Make your own Carrot Seed Tape

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carrot seed tape


it's hip to be square!