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This little vest pattern is perfect for a special occasion or just dress up!  Our kids love dressing up. Whether for play or for church. I have used this pattern in lots of different ways. One year I made everyone adventurer vests for Easter. They love them- even my pre-teen! They will all put on […]

Sewing a Children’s Vest | Simple Vest Tutorial

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making a boys vest

Do you have a favorite piece of clothing that fits just right? Why not recreate it in different fabrics or sizes by drafting your own pattern? Drafting a pattern from an existing garment is a great way to replicate the fit and style of your favorite clothes. In this guide, we’ll show you how to […]

How to Draft a Pattern from Your Favorite Clothes

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pattern drafting

Home organization can be super overwhelming and stressful, especially when you live with more than just yourself. Here are my ten ways to keep a calmer, low-stress household. Just Take a Nap First things first. I had a professor nun in college who would always start class by saying, “If you’re hungry, get yourself a […]

Home Organization | 10 Ways to A Calmer Household

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sheets on the line


it's hip to be square!