Let me show you how quick and easy it is to make your own window cleaner, right at home!
A few years back when I was pregnant with our third baby, I decided to ditch the store bought cleaners and make up my own with ingredients that I keep under my kitchen sink: vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and cornstarch – with these household staples, a great cleaner is just a couple of steps away!
I did this for a few reasons.
#1. We live real rural which meant I would have to drive a while until I found a store with windex.
#2. I like knowing what I am cleaning with. I really don’t have time for things not to be hearty and tough around here!
#3. Because I knew exactly what was in this window cleaner, the kids could handle the spring window cleaning! Perfect for getting their toothpaste spit off of the bathroom mirror 🙂
I used these ingredients in my original All-Purpose Household Cleaner and Disinfectant but wanted a way to get my windows and mirrors super, streak free without the dawn dish soap that I use in the other recipe.
Vinegar: The acid components in vinegar will break down dirt, film, and whatever else accumulates on your windows
Rubbing Alcohol: It’s purpose is to kill the bacteria on your windows and other surfaces.
Cornstarch: Cornstarch is the thickest ingredient and the only dry ingredient in this recipe. Because of this, cornstarch serves it’s purpose as a gentle yet abrasive component that will effectively remove dirt and other substances off of your windows.
I just use paper towels. This seems to get things super shinny and clean without leaving streaks.
I don’t know why not. I haven’t tried this, but you could certainly give it a shot!
YES! Again, I really don’t have time for things not to be hearty and tough around here, so I wouldn’t have recommended this recipe if it wasn’t up to my standards of cleaning! 😉
Other labels included in this printable include: our Tallow and Honey Body Wash, All-Purpose Cleaner, my Favorite Hair and Scalp Tonic, Natural Dry Shampoo, or course, the Homemade Glass Cleaner that you just made (and coming soon to the blog) Homemade Dishwashing Soap, Soft Scrub and Natural Deodorant.
Home Organization | 10 Ways to a Calmer Home
Our All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe
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Emily T.
it's hip to be square!
I’m wanting to know if this all purpose cleaner is similar to Dawn Powerwash? I just made a batch of it and I’m excited to clean my bathroom with it!