
How to Make Garlic Powder

This space-saving way to store garlic by turning it into garlic powder will add flavor and ease to your everyday cooking routine.

garlic powder ingredients flat lay

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Bringing in the fresh garden garlic is the best. This means the gardening season has wrapped and we are headed into the next season.

There are so many different ways to store your garlic. Pretty ways, like braiding or placing them in a basket in your pantry, or freezing chopped pucks of garlic in the freezer. But by far the most space saving way is by drying and creating powdered garlic!

scooping garlic powder out of a glass jar

Making Garlic Powder the Video Tutorial

Using our Garlic Powder

Come Fall and Winter-Time I love be able to experiment with different kinds of recipes and I can finally get to my sourdough. We used this garlic powder last Thanksgiving on our turkey to go with our Cranberry Salsa and I tell you what, it was amazing!

I also love our homemade garlic powder in our homemade spaghetti and use it continually for our field meal recipes, too!

Just a little sprinkle on top of warm butter bread is delicious! There are so many different ways to use garlic powder.

Turkey on a cookie sheet

Making Garlic Powder from Scratch

Why You’ll Love making your own Garlic Powder

  • It’s a way to use up that garlic that has been leftover in your pantry and needs to get used up.
  • Save your pantry space! I keep our little jar of homemade garlic powder right on top of our stove.
  • The taste of something that you grew or at very-least made with your own hands, makes every dish taste tip top!
the dehydrator is sitting on my

What You’ll Need to Make This

food prep for making dried garlic

Making your Own Garlic Powder- The Recipe!

garlic powder in a jar with a wooden scoop

Garlic Powder from Scratch

This space-saving way to store garlic by turning it into garlic powder will add flavor and ease to your everyday cooking routine.
Prep Time 12 hours
Course condiment, dried produce, spice


  • Dehydrator
  • Knife or Mandoline
  • Mortar and Pestle or Coffee/ Spice Grinder
  • Storage Jar


  • 8-10 Cloves Garlic


  • Fill a container or glass jar 3/4 full with garlic cloves and gently shake to help remove the loose garlic paper.
  • Thinly slice garlic and add it to your dehydrator trays.
  • Allow dehydrator to dry garlic. Some years, mine have taken up to 12 hours to completely dry. The thinner you slice it, the quicker it will dry.
    I like to set our dehydrator outside on our front porch to help the kitchen not smell like garlic for weeks.
  • Garlic that can be easily snapped in half is ready to be ground. Remove dried garlic from trays and grind in a coffee grinder or in a mortar and pestle.
  • Add ground garlic powder to a storage jar.
  • Add a few grains of rice to help the powder from clumping.
Keyword garlic powder, homemade garlic powder

Questions People are Asking about This

Can I Make Garlic Powder in my Air Fryer?

Yes! Slice your garlic and place them into a small pan. Preheat your air fryer at 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 Celsius for 5 minutes. Place pan in the air fryer and stir every 10 minutes so they do not stick to your pan. Cook them until you can snap the cloves in half.

Can I Make Garlic Powder in my Oven

Also Yes!
To dry your garlic in the oven, cut the cloves equally thin and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Preheat oven to 150-200 F/ 67-93 C. Place in oven for 1-2 hours until the garlic snaps when you break it. Let it cool before you grind it with a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder.

Can I do this with other produce?

You could probably dehydrate and powder your entire garden away if you really wanted to! I like to do this with onion and celery as we use both in powdered form. The key is to keep everything cut evenly thin so that it dries as the same rate.

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  • By filling a glass jar 3/4 full of garlic cloves and gently shaking the skins loose, you can save lots of time by not having to hand pull all the garlic papers off.
  • To ensure an even dry time for all of your garlic cloves, slice them thin and as evenly as possible.
  • Add a few grains of rice to reduce the moisture and help from making the garlic powder clump up.
  • Keep it close to your main kitchen and you will be more inspired to use it more often.

Other Thanksgiving Delights

Cranberry Salsa Recipe

cranberry salsa

Crusty French Bread Recipe

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Chicken Harvest Casserole

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Avocado Mayo from Scratch

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This post may contain affiliate links from a paid sponsor, Amazon or other program. When you use these links to make a purchase I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This allows me to continue creating the content that you love. The content in this article is created for information only and based on my research and/or opinion. 

Emily T.

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