One of the most basic steps in learning how to sew is learning how to thread that darn machine! But I promise once you’ve mastered this, you’ll be ready to tackle just about anything! Drag your machine out onto a good sturdy surface and let’s have a look. Does your machine come with instructions? It’s […]
Transform your bathroom space with this DIY bathroom accent wall idea! This simple project is a great choice to liven up your walls with a custom look! This tiny bathroom closet was as drab as the rainy days that led up to this project which made it the perfect focal point! We have 2 bathrooms […]
It seemed natural for me to create a mask pattern that caused no ear irritation! So I sat down and got to work. I had no idea that the last mask pattern would be such a hit! Since publishing the last mask post, I have been busy making those masks. Donating them to our […]
it's hip to be square!